The South African Red Cross Society (SARCS) is a member organisation of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) which is the largest volunteer driven organisation in the world. Humanitarian services in South Africa can be traced back to the late 1800’s. SARCS being an Auxiliary to the South African Government allows us to be first responders during natural disasters and serve the vulnerable in South Africa by the programmes we offer: Health and Care Education, Disaster Preparedness and Response Management, Humanitarian Values and Organisational Development.
Our core work focuses significantly on health and care services in addition to community-led disaster risk preparedness and reduction priorities. SARCS also implements further programs that are of international significance, that is, the restoration of Family Links, Dissemination of the Fundamental Principles and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). These programs are crucial if the SA Red Cross Society is to be responsible during peacetime and times of conflict.
The Red Cross is guided by seven fundamental principles: Humanity, Impartiality Independence, Unity, Voluntary Service, Neutrality and Universality.
Over and above this, the society offers training that is approved by the Department of Labour, HWSETA such as; CPR, First Aid Level 1,2,3, Occupational Health and Safety, Home Based Care, only to mention a few. SARCS recruits, trains and deploys volunteers to attend to situations where and when there is a need.
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The SARCS app will link you both with the organization and with other app users from around the world.
* Through this app you can:
- Receive emergency alerts
- Get instant information and news about SARCS, its activities, as well as comment and send feedback
- Apply for membership to the Society, open to everyone
- Enrol in, as well as get, information on courses offered by SARCS Training Department
- Get updates on current events for your area
- Be informed about specific projects carried out by SARCS
- Buy SARCS merchandise
- Sign up to become a volunteer for SARCS and engage in various organizational activities
南非红十字会(SARCS)是红十字会与红新月会国际联合会(IFRC),它是世界上最大的志愿者驱动型组织的一个成员组织。在南非的人道主义服务可以追溯到1800年代后期。 SARCS作为一个辅助的南非政府,使我们能够在自然灾害中的第一反应和我们提供的方案服务于南非弱势:健康与保健教育,备灾和救灾管理,人道主义价值观和组织发展。
我们的核心工作对健康和保健服务,除了社区主导的灾害风险防范和减少优先显著的重点。 SARCS也实现了进一步的程序,是具有国际意义,那就是,家庭联系,基本原则的传播和国际人道主义法(IHL)的恢复。这些方案是至关重要的,如果在SA红十字会是要和平时期和冲突时期负责。
除了以上提到这一点,社会提供了由劳动部门认可的培训,HWSETA如;心肺复苏,急救级别1,2,3,职业健康和安全,家庭护理,只是仅举几例。 SARCS新兵,火车和部署的志愿者参加到情况下,当有需要。
- 接收紧急警报
- 获取有关SARCS,其活动的即时信息和新闻,以及评论和发送反馈
- 申请会员资格的公会,向所有人开放
- 在报名,以及获取信息由SARCS培训部提供的课程
- 获取时事更新您所在地区
- 被告知有关SARCS开展具体项目
- 购买商品SARCS
- 注册成为SARCS志愿者,从事各种组织活动